
turingpoint GmbH

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verified by turingsecure

Our boutique consultancy with a focus on IT security is happy to help you protect your applications and systems and implement progressive security, cloud as well as pen testing concepts. We also support you in the development and implementation of modern and, above all, secure applications.

Security Score

Der Security Score wird durch die Bewertung der Wirksamkeit der Sicherheitskontrollen, des mit dem System oder der Organisation verbundenen Risikos und des allgemeinen Sicherheitsniveaus der Umgebung, in der das System oder die Organisation arbeitet, ermittelt. Sicherheitsbewertungen können dazu verwendet werden, die Sicherheitslage eines Systems oder einer Organisation mit anderen zu vergleichen und festzustellen, ob die Sicherheitskontrollen wirksam und aktuell sind.


Niedrig - Geringes Risiko

Die von turingsecure geprüften Anlagen sind einem mittleren Risiko ausgesetzt. Die durchgeführten Audits ergaben keine hohe Anzahl von Feststellungen oder schwerwiegenden Schwachstellen. Es besteht ein geringes Risiko, dass Angreifer Ihre Assets kompromittieren und potenziell Schaden anrichten. Sie sollten die festgestellten Probleme entsprechend angehen und beheben.


The security page is used to inform and report vulnerabilities and incidents that threaten the company's security or compliance policies.

Our top priority is your information security

We care about our operational security, so we have established a process and rewards to create a way to report security issues. If you have discovered a security issue that you think we should know about, we would be happy to get in touch with you.

Highest security and compliance at every stage for everyone

On this page we present information and processes for our Cyber Security and Compliance. Customers, employees and white-hat hackers as well as other stakeholders have the opportunity to communicate with the responsible contact persons.

Zertifikats-Standards & Compliance-Richtlinien

Nutzen Sie unsere umfassende Sicherheitszertifizierung, um Kunden und Anwendern IT-Sicherheitsstandards und Compliance-Richtlinien zu demonstrieren.


ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an information security certificate, crucial for protecting essential client information and other private materials. It focuses on a process-based approach to operating and maintaining a strict ISMS.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU.


Nutzen Sie unser umfassendes Sicherheitszertifikat, um Kunden und Anwendern das Bewusstsein für IT-Sicherheit zu vermitteln.

Bug Bounty Programm

Bug Bounties motivieren Hacker dazu, Schwachstellen in Software zu finden. Eine faire Behandlung und angemessene Vergütung ermutigen sie, dem Unternehmen die Lücken zu melden.


We also ask for an exploit or proof of concept for reports. If you can't produce an attack, even a hypothetical one, we are unlikely to award a bounty.


We usually use the CVSS calculator to determine the severity level. We reward bounties based on the severity level.


When a vulnerability is successfully validated, the finder is linked on our site in a Hall of Fame.


We also consider the following areas to be out of scope, though there may be some exceptions:

  • Social engineering (phishing) of Airtable staff or users
  • Username or email enumeration


The scope defines the environment to be tested, including all systems and applications to be included.



Automatisierte Sicherheitsscans

Automatisiertes Scannen auf Sicherheitslücken ist eine Art, bei der Systeme oder Anwendungen nur mit automatisierten Tools gescannt werden.


To develop enduringly secure applications, we have integrated application security directly before any software artifact is released. By testing early in the development process, our development teams can close security gaps before they reach the customer. This increases our software and product quality.


The goal of this penetration test was to identify and evaluate any security flaws in the system environment. Due to the high application complexity, an extensive test period was defined. In order to be able to audit all settings, demo accesses with the required rights were provided. The analysis includes a brief review of the services accessible on the systems and the upstream protection functions. Furthermore, the analysis is carried out according to the OWASP Testing Guide 5.0 and thus also takes into account the current OWASP Top10.


Our scans are integrated into the development cycle and are run whenever a change to the software occurs. If no change takes place, a scan is performed on a daily basis.


Adresse des Eigentümers der Sicherheitsseite.


turingpoint GmbH
Rödingsmarkt 9
20459 Hamburg

powered by turingsecure.

turingsecure bietet einen modernen Ansatz zur Maximierung der Anwendungssicherheit mit automatisierten Sicherheitsanalysen im Entwicklungsprozess und On-Demand-Lösungen mit flexiblen Service-Level-Agreements.

© 2025 turingpoint GmbH. All rights reserved.