Knowledge Base - Issues

Our knowledge-base provides a comprehensive collection of information on vulnerabilities related to cyber security.

/ Auto-Generated Screenhots

Manufacturers want to provide device users with an aesthetically pleasing effect when an application is started or exited, so they introduced the concept of saving a screenshot when the application goes into the background. ## Risk This feature can pose a security risk because screenshots (which may display sensitive information such as...

/ Insufficient Session Expiration

Insufficient Session Expiration (CWE-613) is a vulnerability in session management, which is commonly found in web applications and APIs. It occurs when a session is not terminated by the server at the expected time, allowing an attacker to reuse a valid session, thereby bypassing the authentication process. This vulnerability is...

/ No Log Out Functionality

No log out functionality is a type of session management vulnerability (CWE-613) which occurs when web and API applications do not provide a mechanism for users to log out of the system. This can potentially lead to an attacker gaining access to the account of a legitimate user if their...

/ No Session Timeout

No session timeout is an IT vulnerability that falls under the category of Session Management (CWE-613). It occurs when a web or API application fails to have a session timeout, which causes the user's session to remain active indefinitely. This enables attackers to hijack an active session despite the user's...

/ Session Fixation

Session fixation is enabled by the insecure practice of preserving the same value of the session cookies before and after authentication. ## Risk In the generic exploit of session fixation vulnerabilities, an attacker can obtain a set of session cookies from the target website without first authenticating. The attacker can then force...

/ Session Token Does Not Expire

Session token does not expire is a vulnerability that occurs when an authentication session token does not expire after a certain period of inactivity. This vulnerbility is classified under CWE-613: Insufficient Session Expiration and falls under the category of Session Management (CWE-384). According to the OWASP Testing Guide, this vulnerability...

/ Session Token in URL

Session token in URL is a web and API vulnerability that occurs when an application passes a user's session token in the URL instead of using a secure cookie. This allows malicious users to gain access to the user's session token, which can be used to gain unauthorized access. The...
Showing entries 1 to 7 of 7 entries.